6 min read•june 18, 2024
Nathan Wichert
Nathan Wichert
Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, YouNow—die Welt der Social-Media—Dienste wächst immer weiter (continues to grow) 📈 und Jugendliche lieben es, Teil der Online-Communities zu sein. Sie chatten, liken, sharen und posten.
Social media makes it easy for young people to do things in virtual spaces that are important to them in the real world.
Making contact online is easier than in real life. In other words, quick “success stories” are possible and the circle of digital friends grows. Last but not least, young people in online communities can move around mostly undisturbed (or unnoticed) by adults.
You need to be able to critically analyze the content being displayed.
You need to know about the social consequences as well as have ethical competence. That means being able to assess what is socially responsible.
In diesen Bereichen, scheint es als ob Erwachsene den Kindern und Jugendlichen voraus sind. Denn sie besitzen Lebenserfahrung und können Konsequenzen besser abschätzen.
Chancen: Welche positiven Aspekte bringen Sozial Medien?
Learn social skills: Social media provides a platform for building and maintaining relationships**,** sharing thoughts, and exchanging ideas. This is particularly important for children and young people because it makes them feel they belong. The Internet is a space in which teenagers can be among themselves.
ethisch | ethical |
das Experiment | experiment |
forschen | to research |
die Forschung | research |
der Fortschritt | progress |
die Gentechnik | genetic engineering |
gentechnisch verändert | genetically modified |
das Gerät | device, equipment |
gewähren | to allow, grant |
heilen, heilte | to cure |
das Heilmittel | cure |
herstellen | to produce, manufacture |
die Informationsgesellschaft | information society |
kabellos | wireless |
klonen | to clone |
kurzfristig | in the short term |
das Labor | laboratory |
machbar | feasible, doable |
medizinisch | medical |
die Methode | method, technique |
die Gesellschaft | society |
die Chirurgie | surgery |
die Erbkrankheit | hereditary disease |
die Krankheit | sickness |
der Krebs | cancer |
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6 min read•june 18, 2024
Nathan Wichert
Nathan Wichert
Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, YouNow—die Welt der Social-Media—Dienste wächst immer weiter (continues to grow) 📈 und Jugendliche lieben es, Teil der Online-Communities zu sein. Sie chatten, liken, sharen und posten.
Social media makes it easy for young people to do things in virtual spaces that are important to them in the real world.
Making contact online is easier than in real life. In other words, quick “success stories” are possible and the circle of digital friends grows. Last but not least, young people in online communities can move around mostly undisturbed (or unnoticed) by adults.
You need to be able to critically analyze the content being displayed.
You need to know about the social consequences as well as have ethical competence. That means being able to assess what is socially responsible.
In diesen Bereichen, scheint es als ob Erwachsene den Kindern und Jugendlichen voraus sind. Denn sie besitzen Lebenserfahrung und können Konsequenzen besser abschätzen.
Chancen: Welche positiven Aspekte bringen Sozial Medien?
Learn social skills: Social media provides a platform for building and maintaining relationships**,** sharing thoughts, and exchanging ideas. This is particularly important for children and young people because it makes them feel they belong. The Internet is a space in which teenagers can be among themselves.
ethisch | ethical |
das Experiment | experiment |
forschen | to research |
die Forschung | research |
der Fortschritt | progress |
die Gentechnik | genetic engineering |
gentechnisch verändert | genetically modified |
das Gerät | device, equipment |
gewähren | to allow, grant |
heilen, heilte | to cure |
das Heilmittel | cure |
herstellen | to produce, manufacture |
die Informationsgesellschaft | information society |
kabellos | wireless |
klonen | to clone |
kurzfristig | in the short term |
das Labor | laboratory |
machbar | feasible, doable |
medizinisch | medical |
die Methode | method, technique |
die Gesellschaft | society |
die Chirurgie | surgery |
die Erbkrankheit | hereditary disease |
die Krankheit | sickness |
der Krebs | cancer |
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