




4.2 Contemporary Life

7 min readjune 18, 2024

Unit 4 explores the impact of science and technology on Japanese-speaking communities. In chapter 4.3, we examine the following essential questions:

  • What factors drive innovation and discovery in the fields of science and technology, and how do they impact society in Japan?
  • What role do ethics play in scientific advancement and the implementation of technology in Japan?
  • What are the social consequences of scientific or technological advancements in Japanese culture, and how do they affect the quality of life for individuals in Japanese communities?

Travel,Transportation, and Tourism

In Japan, like other advanced countries, the digitalization of the travel industry has made significant progress in the last few decades, bringing about significant changes in travel styles.

トラベルテック(Travel Tech) 

トラベルテック refers to services and products in the travel industry that utilize technology. It generally encompasses digital services and products used in all aspects of 旅行(りょこう:travel), including 計画(けいかく:planning),予約(よやく:booking), 支払い(しはらい:payment,) 交通機関(こうつうきかん:transportation), 宿泊(しゅくはく:accommodation), 観光(かんこう:sightseeing), and providing 現地情報(げんちじょうほう:local information).

Examples of トラベルテック for travelers include オンライン旅行会社(オンラインりょこうがいしゃ:online travel agencies) for 航空券予約(こうくうけんよやく:booking flights )and ホテル, アプリ(apps) that provide 現地情報, ウェブサイト(websites )for ツアーの予約(booking tours) and アクティビティー(activities), and サポートサービス(support services )for dealing with travel-related problems. 

トラベルテック has gained increasing attention in recent years, mainly due to the impact of コロナ禍(コロナか:the COVID-19 )pandemic, which has led to a rise in オンライン旅行手配(りょこうてはい:travel arrangements) and digitalization in 旅行業界(りょこうぎょうかい:the travel industry). It is becoming increasingly important for both 旅行者(旅行りょこうしゃ:travelers) and 旅行業界

The proliferation of トラベルテック in 日本 has brought about a significant transformation in travel preferences, with a growing emphasis on individualistic travel styles, especially among the younger generations, as opposed to the long-standing, prevalent 団体旅行(だんたいりょこう:group tour) model.

The ease and convenience of オンライン予約 and information platforms have empowered travelers to customize their itineraries and make reservations for flights, hotels, and activities independently, without relying on tour operators. In addition, the emergence of 格安航空会社(格安かくやすこうくうがいしゃ:budget airlines) and the availability of transportation information on the internet has also facilitated solo travel, making group tours less appealing. Supporting these developments, トラベルテック services such as じゃらん and るるぶ provide comprehensive information on accommodation facilities and tourist destinations throughout Japan, while "NAVITIME" offers detailed local transportation and sightseeing guidance.


The trend of インスタ映え locations and experiences, or places and activities that are visually appealing and sharable on Instagram, has significantly impacted tourism in Japan and インスタ映えhas brought changes to the purpose and style of travel and outings.

Japan has a large and growing tourism industry, and social media has become essential for travelers to discover and share their experiences. For example, with over a billion active users, Instagram has become a popular platform for 旅行者 to showcase their **体験(**たいけん:experiences) and inspire others to visit. In addition, influencers can help drive traffic to specific locations and create buzz around them, increasing tourism.

Japan's unique aesthetics and culture, coupled with the growth of social media and tourism, have made Instagrammable locations and experiences a strong trend in the country's tourism industry.



Technology has played a significant role in エンターテイメント業界/エンタメ業界(エンタメぎょうかい: the entertainment industry) in Japan, particularly in areas such as アニメ(anime), 漫画(マンガ:manga), ビデオゲーム(video games), and 音楽(おんがく’:music). Advancements in digital tools, animation software, graphics, and sound technology have allowed creators to produce high-quality content that has gained international popularity. In addition, **オンライン配信サービス(**online streaming services) and ソーシャルメディア(social media ) platforms have made it easier for fans to access and interact with content creators, allowing for a more global reach and engagement.

Furthermore, コロナ禍 has accelerated the adoption of technology in エンターテイメント業界 in 日本. Furthermore, with the temporary closure of 映画館(えいがかん:movie theaters), コンサート(live concerts), and other entertainment venues, the industry has had to rely more heavily on technology to stay connected with audiences and maintain their businesses. As a result, there has been an increase in the use of バーチャルリアリティ〜(virtual reality), ライブ配信(ライブはいしん:live streaming), and digital platforms to deliver entertainment content to audiences.

Sports and Leisure

スポーツテック(Sports tech)

スポーツテック is a term that combines スポーツ(Sports) and テクノロジー(Technology ). It refers to the latest technology and concepts introduced in various examples related to sports. Specifically, technology is being used to support athletes, improve the environment for sports, and develop equipment. Incorporating the latest technology into sports can also lead to the development of the sports industry. This concept is spreading rapidly in Japan as well.

コロナ禍 has led to a rapid expansion of スポーツ観戦 (スポーツかんせん:sports viewing) industry, as people are unable to attend live events in person. With IT technology, スポーツ観戦 has moved beyond just being able to watch events live on TV or in person.

Now, watching sports on タブレット端末(タブレットたんまつ:tablets )or スマホ(smartphones) from anywhere in real-time is possible. In addition, the development of specialized アプリ (app) has also made accessing player information and data easier. This increased accessibility has made it easier for people to develop an interest in sports they may not have previously been interested in. 

The evolution of スポーツテックhas made it possible to achieve more advanced training menus in various sports. For athletes, it is best to simplify and make managing records and daily training menus as convenient as possible. More athletes are using devices that utilize the latest technology to use training time and aim for record updates effectively. Although Japan lags behind the world in terms of the size of スポーツテック市場 (しじょう:market ) and the number of sports スタートアップ企業(スタートアップきぎょう:tech startups), many are beginning to tackle this field, as well as 大手企業(おおてきぎょう:major companies) that are involved in スポーツ関連事業(かんれんじぎょう:sports-related businesses ) in Japan.


The advancements in digital technology have significantly changed the way people live their lives in Japan and worldwide. With the integration of 人工知能(じんこうちのう:Artificial intelligence -AI) and 音声操作(おんせいそうさ:voice-based operation), devices are becoming more accessible and user-friendly. In addition, the ease with which people can interact with their devices has also made incorporating digital technology into their daily routines easier.

スマホ(Smartphones) have become a staple in today's society. The widespread use of smartphones has led to an increase in mobile internet usage, which has significantly impacted how people consume information and interact with one another. 

Until about 15 years ago, the mainstream 携帯電話(けいたいでんわ:mobile phone) in Japan was ガラケー(ガラパゴス携帯/ガラパゴスけいたい:a flip phone). However, with the introduction of スマホ around 2008, the environment surrounding mobile phones changed rapidly. The demand for スマホ, particularly, increased in 2011 when 東日本大震災(ひがしにほんだいしんさい:the Great East Japan Earthquake) struck Japan. As a result, many people experienced the anxiety of not being able to get through on their phones or not knowing if their messages had been received. Around this time, the messaging app ライン(LINE) was released, and it quickly became popular because of its unique feature that indicated when a message had been 既読(きどく:read). This allowed people to confirm their safety, even if they couldn't receive a reply. In addition, LINE was released earlier than planned because of the increased need following the disaster, and it helped many people.The convenience of accessing information and staying connected with others has made スマホ  and タブレット端末 indispensable tools in modern life. 

Furthermore, SNS and ソーシャルメディア(social media) platforms such as ツイッター(Twitter), インスタグラム(Instagram), フェイスブック(Facebook), and ライン(LINE) have revolutionized how people communicate and share information. These platforms have created new opportunities for people to connect and build online and offline communities. 

Technology has also transformed the way people shop in Japan. オンラインショッピング(online shoppint) has become increasingly popular, with many people using e-commerce platforms like アマゾン(Amazon )or 楽天(らくてん:Rakuten)to purchase everything from groceries to clothing. 

As online sales continue to increase, there are growing concerns over local 百貨店(ひゃっかてん: department stores)や専門店(せんもんてん: specialty stores) sustainability. Many small businesses struggle to compete with online retailers' convenience and lower prices, leading to declining sales.This trend has become a significant issue in many countries, including Japan, where small businesses are essential to the local economy and community. However, the competition from online retailers is unlikely to slow down, and local stores will need to adapt to stay competitive. As a result, some have embraced e-commerce by establishing an online presence and offering delivery services. In particular grocery stores offers ネットスーパー (online grocery stores) and has been a popular サービス(service) in Japan in recent years, where you can purchase food, daily necessities, and other products via the internet In addition to スーパー,コンビニ(convenience stores)and 専門店(せんもてん:specialty stores) also offer this service.


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4.2 Contemporary Life

7 min readjune 18, 2024

Unit 4 explores the impact of science and technology on Japanese-speaking communities. In chapter 4.3, we examine the following essential questions:

  • What factors drive innovation and discovery in the fields of science and technology, and how do they impact society in Japan?
  • What role do ethics play in scientific advancement and the implementation of technology in Japan?
  • What are the social consequences of scientific or technological advancements in Japanese culture, and how do they affect the quality of life for individuals in Japanese communities?

Travel,Transportation, and Tourism

In Japan, like other advanced countries, the digitalization of the travel industry has made significant progress in the last few decades, bringing about significant changes in travel styles.

トラベルテック(Travel Tech) 

トラベルテック refers to services and products in the travel industry that utilize technology. It generally encompasses digital services and products used in all aspects of 旅行(りょこう:travel), including 計画(けいかく:planning),予約(よやく:booking), 支払い(しはらい:payment,) 交通機関(こうつうきかん:transportation), 宿泊(しゅくはく:accommodation), 観光(かんこう:sightseeing), and providing 現地情報(げんちじょうほう:local information).

Examples of トラベルテック for travelers include オンライン旅行会社(オンラインりょこうがいしゃ:online travel agencies) for 航空券予約(こうくうけんよやく:booking flights )and ホテル, アプリ(apps) that provide 現地情報, ウェブサイト(websites )for ツアーの予約(booking tours) and アクティビティー(activities), and サポートサービス(support services )for dealing with travel-related problems. 

トラベルテック has gained increasing attention in recent years, mainly due to the impact of コロナ禍(コロナか:the COVID-19 )pandemic, which has led to a rise in オンライン旅行手配(りょこうてはい:travel arrangements) and digitalization in 旅行業界(りょこうぎょうかい:the travel industry). It is becoming increasingly important for both 旅行者(旅行りょこうしゃ:travelers) and 旅行業界

The proliferation of トラベルテック in 日本 has brought about a significant transformation in travel preferences, with a growing emphasis on individualistic travel styles, especially among the younger generations, as opposed to the long-standing, prevalent 団体旅行(だんたいりょこう:group tour) model.

The ease and convenience of オンライン予約 and information platforms have empowered travelers to customize their itineraries and make reservations for flights, hotels, and activities independently, without relying on tour operators. In addition, the emergence of 格安航空会社(格安かくやすこうくうがいしゃ:budget airlines) and the availability of transportation information on the internet has also facilitated solo travel, making group tours less appealing. Supporting these developments, トラベルテック services such as じゃらん and るるぶ provide comprehensive information on accommodation facilities and tourist destinations throughout Japan, while "NAVITIME" offers detailed local transportation and sightseeing guidance.


The trend of インスタ映え locations and experiences, or places and activities that are visually appealing and sharable on Instagram, has significantly impacted tourism in Japan and インスタ映えhas brought changes to the purpose and style of travel and outings.

Japan has a large and growing tourism industry, and social media has become essential for travelers to discover and share their experiences. For example, with over a billion active users, Instagram has become a popular platform for 旅行者 to showcase their **体験(**たいけん:experiences) and inspire others to visit. In addition, influencers can help drive traffic to specific locations and create buzz around them, increasing tourism.

Japan's unique aesthetics and culture, coupled with the growth of social media and tourism, have made Instagrammable locations and experiences a strong trend in the country's tourism industry.



Technology has played a significant role in エンターテイメント業界/エンタメ業界(エンタメぎょうかい: the entertainment industry) in Japan, particularly in areas such as アニメ(anime), 漫画(マンガ:manga), ビデオゲーム(video games), and 音楽(おんがく’:music). Advancements in digital tools, animation software, graphics, and sound technology have allowed creators to produce high-quality content that has gained international popularity. In addition, **オンライン配信サービス(**online streaming services) and ソーシャルメディア(social media ) platforms have made it easier for fans to access and interact with content creators, allowing for a more global reach and engagement.

Furthermore, コロナ禍 has accelerated the adoption of technology in エンターテイメント業界 in 日本. Furthermore, with the temporary closure of 映画館(えいがかん:movie theaters), コンサート(live concerts), and other entertainment venues, the industry has had to rely more heavily on technology to stay connected with audiences and maintain their businesses. As a result, there has been an increase in the use of バーチャルリアリティ〜(virtual reality), ライブ配信(ライブはいしん:live streaming), and digital platforms to deliver entertainment content to audiences.

Sports and Leisure

スポーツテック(Sports tech)

スポーツテック is a term that combines スポーツ(Sports) and テクノロジー(Technology ). It refers to the latest technology and concepts introduced in various examples related to sports. Specifically, technology is being used to support athletes, improve the environment for sports, and develop equipment. Incorporating the latest technology into sports can also lead to the development of the sports industry. This concept is spreading rapidly in Japan as well.

コロナ禍 has led to a rapid expansion of スポーツ観戦 (スポーツかんせん:sports viewing) industry, as people are unable to attend live events in person. With IT technology, スポーツ観戦 has moved beyond just being able to watch events live on TV or in person.

Now, watching sports on タブレット端末(タブレットたんまつ:tablets )or スマホ(smartphones) from anywhere in real-time is possible. In addition, the development of specialized アプリ (app) has also made accessing player information and data easier. This increased accessibility has made it easier for people to develop an interest in sports they may not have previously been interested in. 

The evolution of スポーツテックhas made it possible to achieve more advanced training menus in various sports. For athletes, it is best to simplify and make managing records and daily training menus as convenient as possible. More athletes are using devices that utilize the latest technology to use training time and aim for record updates effectively. Although Japan lags behind the world in terms of the size of スポーツテック市場 (しじょう:market ) and the number of sports スタートアップ企業(スタートアップきぎょう:tech startups), many are beginning to tackle this field, as well as 大手企業(おおてきぎょう:major companies) that are involved in スポーツ関連事業(かんれんじぎょう:sports-related businesses ) in Japan.


The advancements in digital technology have significantly changed the way people live their lives in Japan and worldwide. With the integration of 人工知能(じんこうちのう:Artificial intelligence -AI) and 音声操作(おんせいそうさ:voice-based operation), devices are becoming more accessible and user-friendly. In addition, the ease with which people can interact with their devices has also made incorporating digital technology into their daily routines easier.

スマホ(Smartphones) have become a staple in today's society. The widespread use of smartphones has led to an increase in mobile internet usage, which has significantly impacted how people consume information and interact with one another. 

Until about 15 years ago, the mainstream 携帯電話(けいたいでんわ:mobile phone) in Japan was ガラケー(ガラパゴス携帯/ガラパゴスけいたい:a flip phone). However, with the introduction of スマホ around 2008, the environment surrounding mobile phones changed rapidly. The demand for スマホ, particularly, increased in 2011 when 東日本大震災(ひがしにほんだいしんさい:the Great East Japan Earthquake) struck Japan. As a result, many people experienced the anxiety of not being able to get through on their phones or not knowing if their messages had been received. Around this time, the messaging app ライン(LINE) was released, and it quickly became popular because of its unique feature that indicated when a message had been 既読(きどく:read). This allowed people to confirm their safety, even if they couldn't receive a reply. In addition, LINE was released earlier than planned because of the increased need following the disaster, and it helped many people.The convenience of accessing information and staying connected with others has made スマホ  and タブレット端末 indispensable tools in modern life. 

Furthermore, SNS and ソーシャルメディア(social media) platforms such as ツイッター(Twitter), インスタグラム(Instagram), フェイスブック(Facebook), and ライン(LINE) have revolutionized how people communicate and share information. These platforms have created new opportunities for people to connect and build online and offline communities. 

Technology has also transformed the way people shop in Japan. オンラインショッピング(online shoppint) has become increasingly popular, with many people using e-commerce platforms like アマゾン(Amazon )or 楽天(らくてん:Rakuten)to purchase everything from groceries to clothing. 

As online sales continue to increase, there are growing concerns over local 百貨店(ひゃっかてん: department stores)や専門店(せんもんてん: specialty stores) sustainability. Many small businesses struggle to compete with online retailers' convenience and lower prices, leading to declining sales.This trend has become a significant issue in many countries, including Japan, where small businesses are essential to the local economy and community. However, the competition from online retailers is unlikely to slow down, and local stores will need to adapt to stay competitive. As a result, some have embraced e-commerce by establishing an online presence and offering delivery services. In particular grocery stores offers ネットスーパー (online grocery stores) and has been a popular サービス(service) in Japan in recent years, where you can purchase food, daily necessities, and other products via the internet In addition to スーパー,コンビニ(convenience stores)and 専門店(せんもてん:specialty stores) also offer this service.
