🌍AP World History: Modern

📌 Exam Date: May 11, 2023


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Subject Guides

Theme 1 (ENV) - Humans and the Environment

8 min read

Melissa Longnecker

written by Melissa Longnecker

Theme 6 (TECH) - Technology and Innovation

10 min read

Evan Liddle

written by Evan Liddle

Asia from 1200 to the Present

21 min read

Minna Chow

written by Minna Chow

AP World History - Unit 0 Review

3 min read

Amanda DoAmaral

written by Amanda DoAmaral

AP World - Period 2 Review (600 BCE to 600 CE)

5 min read

Amanda DoAmaral

written by Amanda DoAmaral

AP World - Unit 4 Review (1450-1750)

24 min read

Amanda DoAmaral

written by Amanda DoAmaral

The Americas from 1200 to the Present

31 min read

Evan Liddle

written by Evan Liddle

AP World - Unit 7 Review (Global Conflict)

8 min read

Minna Chow

written by Minna Chow

The Pacific from 1200 to the Present

7 min read

Charly Castillo

written by Charly Castillo

Theme 5 (SOC) - Social Interactions and Organizations

10 min read

Andrew Fultz

written by Andrew Fultz

Theme 3 (GOV) - Governance

25 min read

Evan Liddle

written by Evan Liddle

Theme 4 (ECON) - Economic Systems

21 min read


written by Jordyn Haynes

Theme 2 (CDI) - Cultural Developments and Interactions

11 min read

Safiya Menk

written by Safiya Menk

AP World - Period 6 Review (1900 C.E. to Present)

7 min read

Amanda DoAmaral

written by Amanda DoAmaral

SPICE Review of 1750 to the Present

Melissa Longnecker

written by Melissa Longnecker

Overview of the AP World Exam - Slides

Patrick Lasseter

written by Patrick Lasseter

Overview of the AP World Exam

Patrick Lasseter

written by Patrick Lasseter

Introduction to AP World - Slides

Charly Castillo

written by Charly Castillo

Introduction to AP World

Charly Castillo

written by Charly Castillo

Asia in the 19th Century

Patrick Lasseter

written by Patrick Lasseter

Additional Resources